Collection: Pollinator Garden

These plants are selected specifically to support native pollinators in Massachusetts. using Native Plants that have evolved with these pollinators.

Remember if you are planting for pollinators: it is best to get 3 of each plant( and plant in close proximity to each other,  this will make it easier for native pollinators that sometimes specialize on certain plants to get the nectar or pollen they need without spending extra energy searching.  

All plants are grown with ecological methods, soil, seeds & plants that are harvested(on private property (Middlesex county, MA) or  purchased from sources using ecological or organic practices in the USA, plants grown by us follow ecological and organic practices  (NOFA standards).  Eco friendly business. 

No chemical fertilizers, fungicides or herbicides are used.  I strive to minimize waste production, by recycling & reusing waste, reducing the use of non natural items (plastic pots) in the growing process. 

This gives the pollinators a safe space to be attracted and nourished by plants that will not hurt them due any chemicals use.

Picture: is of Sneezeweed in my garden with a Bumble Bee (grown from seed 2024, picture taken 10/6/24