
I have been using ecological gardening methods on my property for many years. Ecological gardening uses fertilizers, seeds, plants, and soil of organic origin such as compost manure, etc. and companion planting to deter pests.

I have always loved nature and all wildlife, as a child I spent most of my time out doors.  I believe nature knows how to keep balance.  Unfortuneately humans have interfered with that balance.  We are realizing this and trying to go back to giving nature a chance to restore balance.


I  make sure that all seeds and plants that we germinate are either harvested from my own garden or purchased from a few choice suppliers that use ecological gardening methods, straight species (no cultivars, no nativar)  https://wildones.org/resources/nativars/

 These seeds provide many benefits to local birds, bees, butterflies and mammals and our ecosystem.  

I am working to obtain as many local native plants in my nursery as possible.  Diversity in native plants and within species contribute a valuable ecological benefit.

Mystic Meadows Gardens is a small woman owned business.  Behind the scenes my husband David assists me in my mission to better the enviroment. We are lucky to have a hobby farm that we take in animals that find them selves in need of a new home, many times later in life.  These animals provide us with joy, love, surprises and beauty while that are with us.  They also provide us with lots of great manure for our compost.  Mystic Meadows Gardens is named after our first Llama that we adopted from the MSPCA he was 14yrs old when he came to our farm. Mystic is picture below