Mystic Meadows Gardens

Little Bluestem- Schizachyrium scoparium

Little Bluestem- Schizachyrium scoparium

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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Pre-Order for Spring Pick up May/June

Native Keystone Perennial Grass

Other names for this plant include Andropogon scoparius and Beardgrass.

In the summer it has a blue-green color, then after the 1st frost it turns, it turns striking shades of brown, copper, and crimson that will remain all throughout the winter

Prefers:  Full to Part Sun, Medium Moist -Dry Soil  3' High

Early Host Plant for the Cobweb Skipper, Dusted Skipper, Ottoe Skipper, Indian Skipper, Swarthy Skipper, Crossline Skipper

Many other insects & birds feed, shelter and over winter on Little Bluestem . 

Bunch grasses like Little Bluestem are very important for Female bumble bee queens that nest at the base of these grasses, until they emerge in early spring. So plant early spring blooms that are important to Bumble Bees nearby-such as Native willows, dandelions, ground ivy, dead nettle, red maples, eastern redbud, serviceberry, chokecherry, and red elderberry

Companion Plants:  Monarda fistulosa(wild bergamot), Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed susan),   and Sorghastrum nutans(indian grass), Butterfly milkweed

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