Mystic Meadows Gardens

Late Figwort - Scrophularia marilandica

Late Figwort - Scrophularia marilandica

Regular price $10.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.50 USD
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Pre-Order for Spring Pick up May/June

Native to all New England States-  not a very showy Perennial plant, although it makes up for that with the abundance of nectar it provides to many pollinators.  Get ready for the show stopping amount of pollinators attracted to this plant.  t

Grows to 6 ft tall and blooms are Red, Green and appear from July-October

Prefers: Full, Partial, Shade, Medium - Medium Dry Soil

Companion Plants: Early Figwort (blooms May-July), Yarrow- attracts beneficial insects that control pests that harm figwort,  Borage- attracts pollinating bees & wasps that eat pests, Marigolds-repels nematodes and aphids, Basil -repels mosquitos & flies
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