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Mystic Meadows Gardens

Big Bluestem - Andropogon gerardii

Big Bluestem - Andropogon gerardii

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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Pre-order For Spring Pickup May/June

Native to all New England States

This is a Tall Native Perennial Grass that grows 4-8ft tall, the seed head has 3 branches that make it resemble a turkey foot. It has fibrous roots. The leaves are a green or blue-green spring to early fall and turn Russet in winter.  Blooms: Aug-November  Low to medium water usage.

Prefers: Full to part Sun,  Moist Acid or calcareous sands, loams, and clays soil.  Drought tolerant  (it uses more water than little blue stem, although once established its deep roots make it drought tolerant.


  Ornamental- interesting flower heads & blue-green foliage

Wildlife - Provides shelter, nesting and food for 24 + species of songbirds (Grasshopper Sparrow, Henlow's Sparrow, and other sparrows, Sedge Wrens and Western Meadowlarks.
Attracts: Butterflies
Larval Host: Delaware Skipper, Dusted Skipper
Deer Resistant: High

Early Host Plant for the Cobweb Skipper and Dusted Skipper

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